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fruit skin

  • 1 skin

    n. hud; skal; hölje; hinna; skinnsäck
    v. dra av huden; skala; skinna, klå; hudflänga, kritisera; lura (slang)
    * * *
    [skin] 1. noun
    1) (the natural outer covering of an animal or person: She couldn't stand the feel of wool against her skin; A snake can shed its skin.) hud, skinn
    2) (a thin outer layer, as on a fruit: a banana-skin; onion-skins.) skal
    3) (a (thin) film or layer that forms on a liquid: Boiled milk often has a skin on it.) hinna, skinn
    2. verb
    (to remove the skin from: He skinned and cooked the rabbit.) flå
    - skin flick
    - skin-tight
    - by the skin of one's teeth

    English-Swedish dictionary > skin

  • 2 bruise

    n. blåmärke, sår
    v. slå gul och blå, mörbulta, skada; skadas
    * * *
    [bru:z] 1. noun
    (an injury caused by a blow to a person or a fruit, turning the skin a dark colour: bruises all over his legs; apples covered in bruises.) blåmärke, fläck
    2. verb
    (to cause or develop such a mark on the skin: She bruised her forehead; She bruises easily.) slå sig, få blåmärken

    English-Swedish dictionary > bruise

  • 3 lemon

    n. citron; ful tjej (slang); misslyckad grej; fiasko
    * * *
    noun, adjective
    1) ((of) a type of oval, juicy, citrus fruit with pale yellow skin and very sour juice: She added the juice of a lemon to the pudding; a lemon drink.) citron
    2) ((of) the colour of this fruit: a pale lemon dress.) citrongul
    - lemon grass

    English-Swedish dictionary > lemon

  • 4 orange

    adj. orange, brandgul; apelsin-
    n. apelsin, orange, brandgul (färg)
    * * *
    ['orin‹] 1. noun
    1) (a type of juicy citrus fruit with a thick reddish-yellow skin: I'd like an orange; ( also adjective) an orange tree.) apelsin
    2) (the colour of this fruit.) orange
    2. adjective
    1) (of the colour orange: an orange dress.) orange
    2) (with the taste of orange juice: an orange drink.) apelsin-

    English-Swedish dictionary > orange

  • 5 peel

    n. skal
    v. skala; skalas
    * * *
    [pi:l] 1. verb
    1) (to take off the skin or outer covering of (a fruit or vegetable): She peeled the potatoes.) skala
    2) (to take off or come off in small pieces: The paint is beginning to peel (off).) flagna, fjälla
    2. noun
    (the skin of certain fruits, especially oranges, lemons etc.) skal
    - peelings

    English-Swedish dictionary > peel

  • 6 apple

    n. äpple
    * * *
    (a round fruit (usually with a green or red skin) which can be eaten: an apple tree; a slice of apple.) äpple

    English-Swedish dictionary > apple

  • 7 pomegranate

    n. granatäpple
    * * *
    (a type of fruit with a thick skin and many seeds.) granatäpple

    English-Swedish dictionary > pomegranate

См. также в других словарях:

  • fruit processing — Introduction       preparation of fruit for human consumption.  Fruit is sometimes defined as the product of growth from an angiosperm, or flowering plant. From a purely botanical point of view, the fruit may be only the fleshy growth that arises …   Universalium

  • Fruit (band) — Fruit are an indie rock band from Adelaide, Australia often compared to the Indigo Girls. The group was formed in 1995. In 2003 they won the Best Live Album trophy at the Australian Live Music Awards.Their latest (June 2005) album is… …   Wikipedia

  • Fruit Tree — Бок …   Википедия

  • Fruit Tree — Álbum recopilatorio de Nick Drake Publicación Lanzamientos originales: 9 de marzo de 1979 (Island) …   Wikipedia Español

  • skin — [skin] n. [ME skinn < ON, akin to Ger schinden, to flay, peel < IE * (s)ken(d) , to split off (< base * sek , to cut: see SAW1) > OIr ceinn, a scale, scurf] 1. the outer covering or integument of the animal body 2. such a covering,… …   English World dictionary

  • Skin (disambiguation) — Skin or skins can refer to:Outer covering* Skin, an organ of the integumentary system (also see nudity) * Skin, another name for peel (fruit) * Aircraft outer covering or aircraft wing s covering Skin (aircraft)Biology* Skin beetle, a type of… …   Wikipedia

  • skin — n Skin, hide, pelt, rind, bark, peel can all denote an outer removable coat which adheres to and protects the inner tissues of a body or organism. Skin, the most general term, applies especially to the outer covering of animals, whether it is as… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Skin — Skin, n. [Icel. skinn; akin to Sw. skinn, Dan. skind, AS. scinn, G. schined to skin.] 1. (Anat.) The external membranous integument of an animal. [1913 Webster] Note: In man, and the vertebrates generally, the skin consist of two layers, an outer …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Skin friction — Skin Skin, n. [Icel. skinn; akin to Sw. skinn, Dan. skind, AS. scinn, G. schined to skin.] 1. (Anat.) The external membranous integument of an animal. [1913 Webster] Note: In man, and the vertebrates generally, the skin consist of two layers, an… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Skin graft — Skin Skin, n. [Icel. skinn; akin to Sw. skinn, Dan. skind, AS. scinn, G. schined to skin.] 1. (Anat.) The external membranous integument of an animal. [1913 Webster] Note: In man, and the vertebrates generally, the skin consist of two layers, an… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Skin moth — Skin Skin, n. [Icel. skinn; akin to Sw. skinn, Dan. skind, AS. scinn, G. schined to skin.] 1. (Anat.) The external membranous integument of an animal. [1913 Webster] Note: In man, and the vertebrates generally, the skin consist of two layers, an… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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